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Perfect job! 

Excellent short horror experience with a spooky atmosphere! had trouble using the flashlight when it was dark in the game, but it was a great short story and amazing to experience the mythology I grew up hearing come to life in a game! great game! 


My farts smell better than yours.

Played this with 2 other games based off the mythos from the Philippines, really great job! Was spooked! lol 

Overall, good concept! It is so refreshing to see a wlw protagonist and focused narrative. I also loved the atmosphere of the caves, it's great environment as well as level design.

While I didn't really get scared, and the ending was abrupt, I appreciated the story snippets scattered throughout the notes. I really hoped the game was longer but I totally understand the scope of the project.

Thanks for making this! Hope you'll make more at some point. 

Loved it, i jumped a few times. Really loved the mythology!

(3 edits)

How can I download a rar file? It won't open.

I really wanted to play this :(

This was really good! Very immersive experience and an interesting story. A couple little bugs occurred, but nothing serious! Overall, I really enjoyed playing this! Great work!

Atmosphere was pretty good, but more scares would be cool for sureee. Andddd the ending was really lack luster to be honest, I'd be way more scared if I personally was running away from the monster instead of a cutscene. Good Graphics Tho!!
(2 edits)

Great job on the horror game! Being a filipino I love the representation and accuracy on fiilpino mythology! I hope to see more from you guys!

Awesome short horror experience! The environment was done well and believable, the voice acting was great, the monster looks awesome. The downsides I experienced were small. A few times the screen went black with a loud noise after the screen would ungulate and  I'm still unsure what was going on there. Although the monster is cool, I'm a bit disappointed that the only time my character interacted with it was during a cutscene. Other than that great job! Thank you very much for making it!

This game was good from the length of an indie game to the concept (especially of myself being Filipino), but honestly it was bit too dark and it was hard to see when I was playing it. Please feel free to check out my gameplay below. Have a great day! :)

This was really good! It delivered what it promised a really good story and a very great atmosphere with that makes you uncomfortable and uneasy. The story was great and communicated very well what it was wanting to! Heres my playthrough if you wanna see.

The game's pacing is too slow and doesn't have a lot of scares , but ngl it has really great potential to begin with but it really slows down the excitement because of the lazy writing, graphics okay tho but the game isn't quite good tho.

Really enjoyed the scares in this game! Love the story and atmosphere! Really well done! 

Loved the atmosphere and creepy vibs of the game without being too dark. Having to carry items and stay in the light was a nice touch for tension. Looking forward to more from you in the near future. 

Good graphics, few jumpscares, cool music. Not bad for a game created by filipinos! More to go Isip games!

too short, not enough scares. but the graphics are great. really dissapointed at how short it was.

I made a Let's Play of your game! As a Filipino, this was fun. 

I love the atmosphere and how the story played out. There were a lot of bugs but that's okay. I like how you put a couple of Filipino folklore around the map and all the "sacrificial" areas where mindblowing. All in all, I really enjoyed it!

Graphics and the story found in the letters were really good but the overall execution was quite disappointing. Also I think my game was bugged because sometimes there were like "panic attacks" which haven't done anything to my character. That was weird. Anyway here's my plathrough (Polish language)

Just uploaded a video on your game with my friend and we loved it. The atmospheric was on point and certainly made the game so good, so nice work on that! And I also loved how you focused more on the atmosphere to scare us rather than relying on jumpscares. Too many games throw jumpscares in your face so I respect what you did with it. :) 

if i download this it saids failed - forbidden tell me how to solve it


You atmosphered the hell out of this game. It had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through. But the ending could've been a bit better. But overall It was fantastic. :D 


looks nice, but optimized poorly. gpu temperatures spiked within just two minutes of launching the game and fan was running at full speed.


First of all, I love your game! However, the ending was kinda weak in my opinion. I made a full walkthrough on your game (with a short review at the end) Second, I'm planning on making a full review on the game :') 

i just uploaded my gameplay of this, pretty cool! :D


omg game is awesome one of the best horror shorts I've played in a while


very cool game!


An interesting game. The atmosphere was really good. we enjoyed it very much.

Here is a short video we made while playing:

Keep up the good work!!!

I find it strange that the setting is underground. I mean sure a manananggal can use a cave system as a hideout but the typical stories are set in a village in the middle of a jungle or in far-flung barrios.

Hello! We were supposed to have more environments featured in the game, but given the fact that this was a university project and we had a strict time limit, we had to scrap those. There is however a reason why the story takes place in the cave (or more correctly, why the things Lucy experiences happen down there). Thank you for letting us know your thoughts!

I just have one criticism concerning the voicework.  As fun as it is watching foreign LP-ers mispronounce the national bogeyman, I think it would've been nice to hear the protagonist correctly pronounce Manananggal at least once or at least have the grandmother say it in a flashback.  The fact that people call it the Maw-naw-nawng-gull is just removing the immersion for the rest of us hahaha.

Hello! The protagonist pronouncing it that way was purposefully done, considering that she has lived outside of the country her entire life. The idea of her grandmother saying it during a flashback could've definitely worked, though! Thank you for the feedback!

NoiCe Game : 

(1 edit)

Was a cool game but i encountered this pretty weird bug. Not sure how it happened but when i would go turn on my flashlight, there would be no light but when i would turn off the flashlight it would then turn on showing up on the bottom right corner of my screen lol. Overall thought it was fun to play even without light.

Hello and thank you for the feedback!

That is a bug which we never had the opportunity to fix, but: it disappears as soon as you reload the batteries in the flashlight. (It's weird, we know.) Our apologies!


So, a lot of this game was atmosphere. The setting was great, story was great, sound engineering was awesome. There weren't really any real jumpscares and that is something that not a lot of recent indie horrors can say! It relied a lot on atmosphere and inspiring real life phobias in the player's mind. The story was solid and definitely had me wanting more. I can definitely see a possible sequel! Thanks so much for making this!


Markiplier played your game fyi

i am a filipino and the word mananangal was a little bit wrong also their saying. But good game actually!


ive seen john play this game and was actually kind of excited when i saw it on my fb since it was suggested by a page i follow !

and i know & understand how time constraints kept you from explaining the game further but hopefully !! if you accept criticism of sort or just say, this is feedback ,, but i'd like to just say that the mining setting was really weird ( esp since this was set in philippines ), a more appropriate one esp for the manananggals would be dark forests ( even if its cliche, but it's more of them being flighty monsters - able to escape in the sight of danger ). and majority of them live as normal human beings during the day so , it's kind of weird. but aside for the weird lore , the game's good overall ! a different perspective would be good like, 3rd person due to a lot of competition that does the same fps thing.

also it'll be a nice touch to make the journals / texts in tagalog ! 

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